Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What does the Cullen Crest Look Like?

Now that the hottest books series, Twilight is being made into a series of movies many people have become curious about the Cullen Crest. The Cullen Crest is a symbol worn by each member of the Cullen Family (Vampire's) in the movies. Read more here...

Here is a picture of the Cullen Crest.

I think it was a neat idea that they decided to add a crest to the fictional characters for the movie Twilight. It is something that a "real" vampire family would probably have.

The Cullen family crest is now available for fans who are looking for collectable Twilight and NewMoom stuff. There is lots of Cullen crest jewelry available online and at

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Adam Lambert Makes A Bid For 'Eclipse' Soundtrack

Adam talks about his new song Suburban Decay. "It's a great song and I hope to perform it someday, and I think it will find a home, on a soundtrack or something ... maybe 'Twilight,' " he told MTV News. "It just didn't quite fit [in my album]. It's very theatrical. ... It's very campy, and it was just a bit too campy for the album as a big picture."

Will it be good enough for Eclipse? I guess we need to just wait and see.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Bella's Lullaby

This youtube video was so nicely done. Great Job Jaz Trumpett.
This was so romantic with the words from the book. I totally loved it and decided to put it here on my blog so I can watch it again and again.

Monday, November 23, 2009

New Moon - A female Porno?

I was talking to a male friend of mine the other day and he said, after watching New Moon that he felt like he was watching a female porno movie. You know, with all of the shirtless werewolves. LOL!

Well you know what?! I think it is about time that there is a movie that actually gives women what they want. For years we have watched under dressed women. I think it is great that there is a movie that has true love an romance with a little eye candy for the women. You men who are offended can go pound sand!

New Moon Review

I went to see New Moon with my husband and daughter Jaimie. I was happy to see that the movie was true to the book. I thought the movie had the perfect match of romance, drama, comedy and action. Even though I knew how it would end, since I read the books, I felt as though I was at the edge of my seat waiting to see what would happen.

My favorite scene was when Bella was in mourning after loosing Edward. I thought they did an excellent job of expressing Bella total sadness. Many people in the teater were crying. You could really feel for the character, Bella.

I loved the movie and can hardly wait for Eclipse to come out this summer!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Looking for more romantic vampire books like Twilight

My girls and I were curious to see if there were any other great Vampire Books out there and we have found quite a few that we enjoy. So I figured since there are probably more fans out there who love reading these Romantic and SexyVampire books and may be looking for some other hot books to check out.

Other Books Like Twilight

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I'm not the only Mom addicted to Twilight

I just read a terrific article by

She rights about how she also fought it as well and is glad that she decided to read the books. Here is her article.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sexy Vampires

Here is a hubpage that I created a while back about some of my favorite Sexy Vampires! Also there is a huge selection of other Vampire books that you might enjoy! Let me know what you think!
Sexy Vampires

Monday, November 2, 2009

Free Twilight and NewMoon Bookmarks

I wanted to share with you a site that offers Free Printable Twilight Book marks. Check it out here.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Edward Cullen Gallery - Most Loved Vampire

I have a Hubpage about Sexy Vampires and I was just thinking that I would have to say that for me, Edward Cullen is by far the sexiest of all Vampires. I even created a special fan site just for him. You can visit it here.

Edward Cullen Gallery - Most Loved Vampire

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Twilight Fan Gifts

Looking for some great Twilight Gift Ideas?

Check this out! Twilight Fan Gifts

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

New Moon - The Wolves

I have been wondering if they would be able to make the wolves look realistic. Well someone just tweeted me this you tube video. All I can say is Wow! I'm so excited for the movie.

Here is a list of the wolf cast...
Chaske Spencer
Bronson Pelletier
Alex Meraz
Kiowa Gordon
Tyson Houseman

Twilight Annonomous - Are you Addicted to Twilight?

I'm a newly addicted addict. :)

I saw the movie Twilight first. I have two teenage daughters who were crazy about the book series. It wasn't until this month that I decide to go ahead and start reading the books myself. Well let me just say I complete all 4 books in just over a week.

The Twilight Series is the best series I have read in years. It was so romantic yet exciting.
I can't wait for New Moon to come out although I did miss Edward in the book. I understand that they are planning on showing him a little more in the movie. He is supposed to appear to Bella in her dreams through out the book.